June 20, 2021
MATTHEW 9: 18-26
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The Hebrew writer describes why the new covenant in Jesus Christ was superior to the old covenant of animal sacrifices. He reminds them not to shrink back but have faith that the assurance and conviction of faith is not blind belief, wishful thinking or gullibility. This kind of faith produces obedience. This kind of faith should inspire confidence that God will make good on his promises.
The writer Matthew gives an account of a synagogues rulers desperate cry for the life of his daughter, as well as the hopelessness of a woman with a twelve year medical issue. Both are stories of desperation. Some followed Jesus for healing while others would question the validity of his ancestry. They would not acknowledge him as king.
It is here that Jesus is interrupted by Jairus, a leader of the synagogue. He makes a desperate request for Jesus to raise his twelve year old daughter from the dead. Jesus responds to his request yet while responding, he is delayed by an ailing woman. Jairus however is not phased by the delay for he displays humility, worship and faith. I believe that its more than a coincidence that the women has had this problem for twelve years and the daughter of Jarius is twelve years of age.
It is here we discover the woman with a chronic bleeding problem. Unable to gain attention for the crowd, she simply touches the hem of his garment and is healed. This woman was considered unclean and unworthy. She was to be cut off from the Jewish community. She only needed to touch his clothing, the hem, which is the lower part of his garment. Her faith enabled her to know, that by doing this, she would be healed.
As Jesus arrives at the home of Jairus, the funeral had begun. Musicians were playing melancholy music, stirring up grief. He sends those with no faith, out of the room. He lays hands on the daughter and she lives. The results of the healing spread through the community.
Life presents a multitude of problems, grief and despair. Financial resources can be helpful and has its place in resolving a bad situation, however, money may not be the solution. The medical and pharmacy tools are useful but may not fix the problem. A great job can open doors and create the ability to climb the social ladder nonetheless, social success, is not always satisfying.
It occurs to me that there are not many things in life that we can count on except the love of Jesus Christ and his healing power. I truly believe that it is of the utmost importance to maintain faith in Jesus Christ, in times of trouble, grief and despair
Rev. Johnny H. Eskridge