Good morning God!
I am so glad that I keep You close, talk to You throughout the day and carry You in my daily walk. So much has transpired this year, but I am trying to see the gift and beauty in it all. I do know that You have been and are here during it all!

Thank you, God, for all You have done for me – thank you for my husband, family, friends, and my health, however, feeble it may be. Thank you for allowing me to grow closer to You, my husband, and my family. Thank you for helping me to see that even during trials, hardships and chaos, there is something positive to be gained.
Covid 19 has allowed me time to spend time with my family in a new and different way and has also allowed me to spend time with the beauty of your creations. As I sit in my back yard, I listen to the birds singing with a new melody, the water from my neighbor’s pond flowing with soothing music, and the leaves on the many trees rustling with fresh gusts of the wind. The simplicity and silence remind me that You are still here, orchestrating it all.
Thank you for slowing this world down so that we may take this opportunity to grow closer to You. Help us to realize that the only way out of our crisis, is by recognizing that you are God and God alone. That we need You and that You are the only One that can get us through it. In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the light: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Help us to understand your word is true, that Jesus came to show us the way, and that we need You.
In Jesus name, amen.
My prayer for today
Rosie Newson Harless