Rev. Dr. Lakeya Stewart
“April showers bring May flowers!” I absolutely love the spring season! It is a time for new beginnings. The grass starts to turn green, the trees are no longer bare, those trees are beginning to bud, and flowers are starting to bloom. All of the cold frigid temperatures, the snow and the ice, and all that has kept us locked inside are slowly fading away. Yes, we are looking forward to new beginnings. It takes both sunshine and rain for things like flowers to grow. Before we see the beautiful petals of the flowers blooming, the plants undergo a process. Friends, this sounds a bit like our past year.

As we reflect on the death of Christ, especially the empty tomb, I am reminded that the end of a thing is not always the end. Butterflies are a great example. In order for the butterfly to emerge, it must go through a process and transformation called metamorphosis. There are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies and moths: eggs, larva, pupa, and adult. You see, before the larva can emerge, the season of being an egg must first end.
The metamorphosis of the butterfly and moth is like life and all of the changes it brings for the Christian. There are some parallels to life worth noting regarding our human experiences. Some situations must end in order to experience the next best thing in life. If I could use my creative imagination, I can hear the larva stage crying and pleading for this stage of development not to end. The “Little Larva” is probably heartbroken knowing that life as he/she knows it will soon be ending. The larva cannot see what the end result of all of these changes will produce.
Doesn’t that feel like life sometimes? Things like retirement and moving to a new city can be scary. There is a sense of mystery for the unknown that individuals must face in order to experience the newness and liberation that can be found in their experiences. “What if’s” often plague our minds, but God’s Word reminds believers that they can find peace when they “keep their mind, stayed on him” (Isaiah 26:3).
Life is full of uncertainties but we can never experience the joy found in the newness of a thing if we do not step into the unknown. Bishop Larry Trotter (recorded by Bishop Larry Trotter & The Combined Sweet Holy Spirit Choirs) sings a song called “What’s to come is better than what’s been”. Here are some of those lyrics:
“Celebrate a new beginning, leave the past behind, Don’t worry ‘cause it’s over, God’s preparing better things, For what’s to come is better than what’s been.”
Hallelujah! If you do not have a reason to celebrate today, think about celebrating the new life that could be waiting around the corner for you. As believers, when we give our lives to Christ, we can be assured of a new beginning and relationship with our Savior. Be blessed!